Hanging Gardens in Page, Arizona

Hanging Garden


Mileage: 1.4
Elevation gain: 152 feet
Time to complete: 1-2 hours
Stars: ★★★½
Difficulty: 1/5 (Ratings explained)
Easy, well-marked trail

Hanging Garden is an easy hike perfect for the whole family. You’ll enjoy views of Lake Powell in the distance as you hike along this well-marked trail over smooth, red sandstone. Even in the winter, the garden was green and lovely.

Trail Description

A lot of care has been put into making this trail a nice hike for visitors of all ages and abilities. No navigation aids are required, although I think some kind of navigation is always smart.

Hanging Gardens Trail

From the parking lot, you’ll simply follow the path that is lined with smaller river rocks the entire way.

Hanging Gardens Trail
The path to Hanging Gardens

In case the rocks aren’t enough to keep you on trail, there’s a nice big sign to help you out. Check out those views of Lake Powell in the distance!

Sign for Hanging Gardens
Hard to get lost on this trail

The trail eventually crosses red sandstone, and you’ll see the alcove where the hanging gardens are located above you to the right. Continue past it to where you can hike up to the next level and then walk back toward the hanging gardens.

Hanging Garden

Wow, you’re already there! Piece of cake!

Hanging Gardens in Page, Arizona
Hanging garden

The hanging garden is underneath a large overhang. Turn on that wide angle lens and try to “Richard” that photo! (Okay, it’s an inside joke about our photographer friend.)

Looking out from the hanging gardens in Page, Arizona

Just on the other side of the alcove is a good place for a nice view. A sign there reminds you it’s the end of the Hanging Garden Trail, just in case you didn’t know.

Map & Directions

Location Page, Arizona

From Page, head north on Highway 89. Turn right onto Chains Road and follow it to the T. The trailhead is straight ahead and marked with a sign.

Fees/Passes None

Trailhead Facilities None

Just follow the rock trail!

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Disclaimer Outdoor activities have inherent risk, and we will not be able to tell you all the risks you may face. You are responsible for your own safety, so prepare as well as you can and know your limits. Follow this guide at your own risk. And have fun!

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